
60% improvement of cost per lead through A/B testing

Axia is connecting traders with the most liquid markets in the world.

It offers a trustworthy, user-friendly and intuitive trading platform, available across web, desktop and mobile.


  1. Strategy:

    To test different landing pages and find the best-performing one.

  2. Objective:

    To grow the consumer base and maximise the results of website click campaigns.

  3. KPIs to track:

    CPL and CTR.

How they did it

On a mission to grow their consumer base and maximise the results of the website click campaign, Axia decided to test two different landing pages. With the help of’s A/B testing, they identified the best-performing campaign after just 3 weeks. The first landing page had a significantly lower CPL and higher CTR in comparison to the second one. Based on the valuable data collected, A/B testing allowed Axia to make an informed decision on where to place their focus, and utilise their resources most effectively.


  • 33% Improvement in CTR
  • 60% Improvement in CPL


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