Wolt and Wise.blue's Autopilot

Decreasing their CPFTU by 25% compared to manual campaigns

Wolt was looking to grow its penetration in the Japan market and launch operations in new cities.

Wolt and Wise.blueā€™s partnership

Wolt had been managing š¯•¸ (formerly Twitter) campaigns on the Wise.blue platform for some time.Ā 

Our Autopilot feature was recommended by the Wise.blue team for their on-going performance campaigns. They were hoping to achieve new KPI targets for the year, including a 56% decrease in Cost per first-time userĀ  (CPFTU).

The target market for Wolt’s campaigns included a broad audience and more focused groups in Japan such as foodies, health enthusiasts and more.

What they wanted to achieve

  1. Goal

    Growing a customer base was their main priority, so all marketing efforts were directed towards acquiring new users (first time users) at efficient cost levels.

How they did it?

Efficiency targets were adjusted using Autopilotā€™s predictive AI algorithm, while creatives were renewed frequently with the goal of sharing at least 1-2 new creatives per week.Ā 

š¯•¸’s Automatic Bid function was also excluded as Autopilot allowed the team to automatically adjust Woltā€™s bid and budget allocations.


  • 25% Decrease in their CPFTU compared to manually controlled campaigns.
  • 12% Lower CPSU
  • 19% Lower CPP


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