Analyze Important Campaign Changes and Optimize Ads with Change Log Flags

January 9, 2023

The invention and constant development of adtech and digital marketing tools have undoubtedly made the process of social and online advertising easier and more seamless.

Furthermore, thanks to AdTech tools such as Wise.blueā€™s Reporting & Analytics and Change Log Flags, advertisers are able to measure campaign performance by analyzing results and changes.

In turn, businesses are better able to optimize campaigns and improve performance with every new ad.

Designed for campaign optimization, Wise.blueā€™s Change Log Flags is an analytics tool that allows advertisers to view all historical changes in campaigns with graphs and measure these against all campaign results.

This enables advertisers to revisit certain dates and analyze previous changes that impacted campaign performance.Ā 

And in turn, businesses are able to capitalize on beneficial historical changes for future campaigns.

In summary, with Change Log Flags, advertisers can:

  1. Combine data trends with historical changes

  2. Analyze how a particular trend impacted changes in campaigns

  3. Build upon changes that positively affected campaigns and improve performance

How Can You Access Change Log Flags on

Using advanced trend graphs, the platform displays flags on particular dates when changes were made to campaigns.

When you click on the flags, users get more information about these changes and this can then be used to optimize campaigns and boost results.

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